Oh, and squeals and bruises and mashed banana and promite toast crumbs. It's been about 4 months since last updating our firends and family about the achievements of our lovely young damsels. Lola is 10 months old and has smiles for everyone. She gleefully displays all six and a half teeth to anyone that passes by, waving a pudgy hand holding a sock or half eaten cracker in their direction. She's not just a happy baby - she literally exudes cheer through her rosy, marshmallow-sprung cheeks. If she were a puppy she would be the kind that wags her whole body, not just her tail.
She says "pappou" for puppy, "mama", "dadda", "uh-oh" and "ah-ah" (ie don't touch!) and is a pretty good mimic when it comes to repeating the 'tone' of what we've said. She has been standing up since about 8.5 months and 'cruising' around holding onto things for about a month now. She's very stable and will often let go and stand without holding onto anything so she might very well match Eva's walking milestone (which was at 10.5 months). She's outdone her sister in size at the same age though-weighing in at 12kg and standing 80cm tall she's as big as some 2 year olds! But she's very elegantly proportioned (poddy tummy and all) and we knew both our girls would be statuesque so it's no surprise that they're off the charts at a young age.
Lola's sleeping has only just turned a corner and we have FINALLY been getting some much needed long stretches at night. There were some months where we felt we were all losing our minds due to lack of sleep but thankfully since we have put her into a sleeping bag and handed over the night time settling to Daddy, she has been sleeping beautifully. It certainly makes a nice change not to be making several journeys to the nursery each night and the days seem a whole lot brighter after a good night's sleep.
Eva is a blur of activity. She can manage to fall down in a tangle of arms and legs from a standing-still position and her mouth only just keeps up with the constant stream of narrative and song that have become the non-stop soundtrack to our days. Conversations with Eva are always interesting "Mummy I like bananas...[pause]...but I don't like sharks", often amusing, "I'm a doctor, let me check you with my telescope" and sometimes awkward, "Daddy, look at that man's big...tummy" (in the change rooms after swimming class).
She is starting to enjoy the benefits of having a little sister, treating her a bit like a playful puppy at times. She sits at one end of the hallway calling out 'come on Lola!, come here! good girl!' as Lola crab crawls towards her at top speed. Lola submits herself to Eva's dressing up games with mostly good humour and enthusiastically joins in tea parties if she is allowed to chew on the cups and saucers. However things tend to go a bit pear shaped when baby interrupts budding artist and commences to tear up and eat her latest masterpieces.
While it's heartwarming to see the tender moments together, such as Eva blowing raspberries on Lola's tummy or Lola tackle-cuddling Eva, we know how quickly giggles can turn to tears. After one too many squashes, pushes and snatches we often warn big sister that little sister will likely get her own back one day. That might not be too far off after witnessing Lola push Eva flat on her bottom this afternoon. Eva laughed. You can't help but admire such resilience and we hope to always be able to applaud our girls for both their strength and humour.
Rebecca ox