Monday, September 14, 2009

Recycling fun- monster style!

We took recycling to a new level today and made monster men out of our little collection.
Ned had a blast instructing where to make slits for the arms and drawing noses, cutting out eyes and then sticking them all on. Lets just say we went through a LOT of sticky tape.
Molly, well, she had a lovely time eating the pom poms.

And the best part of all of this is they all go in the recyclingbin at the end of the day!
Rebecca ox

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Especially for Karla and darling baby #2

Some beautiful elephant decal ideas for the nursery...

and i just love this one- totally not elephants though!
thought you might like thses colours...

and these reminded me of Bella's room now...
Rebecca ox