One week out from the Mega-Ware Party and its full steam ahead at LSM Central (AKA our dining table). I think we will be having TV dinners on our laps all this week.

Today I have been framing the prints, making the ribbon and clip boxes, cutting out all of the gift tags, putting together our showbag goodies (lovely Rituelle soap on LSM postcard SHHH!!!) and generally getting very excited for next Sunday!
Molly and I trapsed through some lovely vintage shops this morning looking for some display pieces to spruce up the table and help display all of our lovely new products. I hope it ill all look beautiful.
Here are a few sneak peaks of today's activities...
Here are a few sneak peaks of today's activities...
This beautiful series of hand made artwork are beautiful paper sewn onto cars with bitton accesnt. They series includes birds, rabbits, whales and owls, and comein regular and large sizes. They are all framed in beautiful white frames. There are also some beautiful paper that has been framed as is- lovely accessory for any wall or table!
I am expecting these ribbon and clip boxes to be very popular- they include in the ribbon boxes, 6 ribbons and hair ties, and in the clip boxes, a beautiful feature clip, some ribbons and also some hair ties. They look gorgeous all done up in noodle boxes and clear cube boxes.
So for now, enjoy the sneak peaks and watch out for more updates throughout the week. I will be having anopther competition tomorrow to give away some more tickets too, so put your crative hats on tomorrow afternoon!
Hope you all have next Sunday circled in your diaries!
Rebecca ox
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