Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dreaming of Easter...

I just love Easter and all that it brings. First and foremost CHOCOLATE, paired with family, feasting, holidays, hunts and time for reflection.
Then there are the gorgeous easter egg baskets to decorate, the blown eggs to paint and the cute crafts that also come with the holiday.
Some lovely images to get the creative juices going...

Rebecca ox

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Toy room clean up

We did a big clean up and cull of the kids toys over the weekend and got some kind of organisation back.

I made up some little labels for all of the buckets to try and encourage the kids to put the toys back in the right spot- we wait with bated breath.

Here is a JPEG printable template for you to download and print out to hopefully help your toy storage get some kind of organisation...

Rebecca ox

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Here goes my bookcase obsession again...

I never knew it exicted but I have a slowly emerging obsession with unusal bookcases. Check this latest one out...


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mathilda's Market countdown...

With the date set for March 6th, the count down is on to get all the stock made and my product wish list somewhat attempted.

Other businesses are signing up and there is a real buzz in the air around the hand-made traps.

Now just to have someone watch the stall for me for a little while so I can do some shopping!!!