Sunday, June 14, 2009

Clip frames are rolling out!

I am very excited about these- they have certainly saved me searching through the bottom of the hair clip and ribbon box that I used to have.
I am starting with the basic dot fabrics but plan to do up some with our other fabrics- espeically the Amy Butler range. If nothing else they make for a lovely frame on the wall!
They are 30 x 20cm and have both a regular photo frame stand as well as hook for hanging on the wall.
The clips shown are only Molly's- look out for our own clips coming soon!


  1. Love them Love them love them!!!
    Where can I order?? I am after three..One for each little lady in my house.
    Great Idea girls, BRILLIANT! I would have never ever of though of anything like this.

  2. Thank you for the compliment! If you would like to email us at we will make them up to order!
    Rebecca ox
