Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wednesday Craft Activity #1- Basketfull of Goodies

After being inspired from some wonderful on-line friends, I have decided to try to do a weekly craft activity- especially in these winter days that seem to go on forever when you are inside for most of them!
For my first attempt, we made colourful nature-inspired masterpieces, chock full of leves in all shades of autumn brilliance, nuts and berries, flowers and weeds. Copious amounts of weeds.
We packed up the pram and headed to the park with a basket to fill with interesting things we could find.
Back home we pasted them onto paper but found that good 'ol sticky tape did an even better job. It kept them both busy for AGES.
I had done up a sheet for Ned to work with where he had to put the objects in their correct groups of Nuts & Berries, Flowers, Sticks and Leaves. He actually did really well with it. In the beginning. It then however, became a free-for-all and ended up a great big mountain of weeds- with some decorative berries on top for good measure!
If you want to download the activity sheet, I have put it at the bottom of this post.

Here are a couple of pics from our afternoon...

Downloadable activity sheet...

(right click the image to save it to your computer)

Rebecca ox


  1. How cute do your two look sitting there at the table working on there masterpiece. Well done!
    I so need to get back into this, The girls love it and I dont feel so bad at the end of the day if we get out for half hour or so.

  2. Fab idea! That basket of goodies almost looks like gourmet salad mix...edible!!
